Estate Management

New or Updated Will

You have worked hard to earn everything you own and you don’t want the Government to decide who deserves it once you have left this earth. We can help you ensure that your loved ones are taken care of.



Guardianship Attorney

Guardian of Incapacitated Person

Your loved one has become mentally or physically incapacitated with little or no notice and you need to handle their affairs and preserve their interests. We can help you protect your loved ones in their time of need.



Probate Attorney

Probate of Estate

Your loved one has left this earth and has named you as Executor, or perhaps there wasn’t time to write a Will. You need to settle their Estate and distribute their property. We can help you in your hour of need.



Detailed Estate Planning

You don’t want to burden your family with guessing what your final wishes may have been. We can help you plan everything from naming Godparents, length of life support, and Medical Guardian, to naming pall-bearers, your final resting place, and flowers at your final celebration.

Our Estate Management Team

Amanda Carter, Estate Planning Attorney

Amanda E. Carter, Esq.

Amanda Carter, Estate Planning Attorney

Blake Walterscheid, CLP

Estate Management Articles