Honoring Our Veterans Today is Memorial Day, and you’re likely enjoying a long weekend, as well as some Bar-B-Q with your family, while...
READ MOREAge of Consent in Texas
by Matthew Harris | May 20, 2013 | Criminal Law, Family Law
If you have kids between ages 14-22, then you need to pay very close attention because they are the most at risk of becoming an accidental...
READ MOREInspection & Registration
by Matthew Harris | May 13, 2013 | Criminal Law
Do You Know Why I Pulled You Over?! If you really don’t know why you’re being pulled over, chances are you have let your vehicle registration,...
READ MOREWar on Oath Keepers
by Matthew Harris | May 6, 2013 | Civil Litigation
Defend the Constitution Every official that takes office, as well as every officer, judge, attorney, and member of the armed forces, swears an...